Thursday, October 31, 2019
TOPIC Option I----- Story Truth and Happening Truth ( Tim Essay
TOPIC Option I----- Story Truth and Happening Truth ( Tim O'Brien----The Things They Carried ) - Essay Example Happening truth would therefore, mean nothing if the story truth is not applied to make the story more believable, readable and even enjoyable. Oââ¬â¢Brien explains that there was a big difference between the real truth and the story truth. He talks of seeing a man dying on the trail which was near My Khe, but clarifies that he did not kill the man. Later he says that he made up the whole story. Oââ¬â¢Brien says that his main aim was to make the reader feel what he personally felt, thus bringing the argument that; sometimes the story truth tends to be more truer compared to the ââ¬Å"happening truthâ⬠which indicates the real happenings in the novel. Part C What makes an individual to believe that these happening truth are accurate is due to the repetition done in the chapter that indicates the accuracy of the incidence. They are the emphasis of the shocking reactions by Oââ¬â¢Brien. For instance, the manner in which he describes the eyes of the dead soldier just indic ates the accuracy of the happening truth in the story. He says that, the victimââ¬â¢s one eye was shut and the other had a star shaped hole, where the continuous repetition of the incidence indicates the hard moments that Oââ¬â¢Brien was going through in his attempts to visualize the man he had just killed. Another element of happening truth being accurate in this story is where Kiowa is trying to make emphasis to Oââ¬â¢Brien that the man he had killed was still meant to die, but he does not give any response (Oââ¬â¢Brien). Kiowa in the chapter goes on to make continuous comments on the incidence and that Oââ¬â¢Brien should not feel bad that he had killed but he does not give back any comment. This whole incidence displays an accurate true happening and thus, brings the feeling of sympathy to a... Oââ¬â¢Brien also displays the story truths, through his major focus being directed on the physical characteristics of the man he had killed other than in the real happening focusing on his feelings rather. This is among the phrases that indicate the elements of a ââ¬Å"story trueâ⬠where he betrays his efforts to maintain some distance to help in killing the pain. He also narrates his story using a protagonistââ¬â¢s perspective other than using narrator aspect. There is nothing like a narrative commentary on the actions of a protagonist and thus we can only deduce what Oââ¬â¢Brien is going through (Oââ¬â¢Brien). The ideas and feelings brought about by the story in the novel makes an individual to have the negative perception of a war experience, even though one may be fighting to protect his or her country. Many people depict the idea of joining army as a an opportunity to heroically fight for ones country, but after reading this story, and internalizing what Oââ¬â¢Brien felt after killing the Viet soldier, a notion of fear to kill just strikes in an individuals head. This story results to a turn around regarding what people perceive wars to be. By reading this story, a student should learn to be accountable of his or her conduct. If one behaves recklessly now, he should note that, the outcomes will haunt him even after he clears school, like the killing of a soldier haunted Oââ¬â¢Brienââ¬â¢s twenty years later. In life also, one should understand that, there are some people who would celebrate on your misfortunes, this is witnessed when Azar is happy that the soldier is dead, but another lesson learnt is that, silence is the best weapon as Oââ¬â¢Brien made no comment.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
I Have a Dream Essay Example for Free
I Have a Dream Essay Martin Luther King was a symbolic leader of American blacks who was the youngest man to receive a nobel peace prize. He was a worker for civil rights for people of his race. On August 28, 1963 in Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D. C. , he delivered the informative and persuasive speech, I have a dream. There was enthusiasm in his introduction which indicates victory, for the speech was an expression of his utmost joy for what he said as the ââ¬Ëgreatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nationââ¬â¢ (King, 1963) from the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which was the freeing of the American Slaves, issued by Abraham Lincoln. He pointed out the forgotten promise of America to all her citizens, meaning the black and the white with proper and just right, and that he dreams that these proper and just rights be given to all, regardless of the color. He was hopeful in his last words in the speech, which gave the audience the strength they needed at that time. He presented his words as if they were one reach away. And he thanked God Almighty after mentioning different religions, which I believe indicates unity despite each and everyone present thereââ¬â¢s diversity. Martin Luther King was undoubtedly a great speaker. He talked slowly but clearly. There was a serious aura and strong emotion in his voice. Although he had limited body language, he was able to get the attention of 250, 000 audiences that day whom he informed, persuaded, and inspired through his eye contact once in a while even though he read his speech. It was obvious in the cheering of the crowd that they were interested and that they were getting something from the speech. He had clear organization of the speech, with a strong introduction, a substantial body where he was able to say what he wanted to happen, and a conclusion that left a hope and will to continue fighting to his audiences. However, in my opinion, I would rather make the speech a little shorter and more direct. King used a lot of descriptive words to further explain what he was trying to say. He also used metaphors to present analogies. Maybe these were helpful, but as for me, I would like to believe that the listeners wouldââ¬â¢ve understood the speech more if he was concise and simple with his choice of words. References: I Have A Dream by Martin Luther King. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from Youtube Web site: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=PbUtL_0vAJk Martin Luther King Biography. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from Nobelprize. org Web site: http://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio. html
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Kiwi Ultra Fruit Juice Strategy Analysis
Kiwi Ultra Fruit Juice Strategy Analysis Prabhjot Singh Cheema Ques1 (a): Strategic planning: It deals with the big image of the organisation. It is considered as an organisational activity which is used to set predominance along with focus on energy and resources and strengthening operations. It also ensures that whether the employees and stakeholders are working together for a common goal with the establishment of agreements which intend to show outcomes/results. The most important thing for this plan is it is not a monument, but at end it is way for a firm to achieve its purpose. The main purpose of this plan is setting overall or long term goals for business and achieves those goals. Such a long term plan looks into four or five years in to the future. It also involves stepping back from every day operations and review where business is headed and what its next priorities should. It includes business, its vision, firms identity and the direction in which firm is heading. (b): Operational planning: the operational planning refers to the steps which are to be considered and followed to carry out the organisations goals. Moreover, it is the planning in which strategic goals are broken into small activities and aims which are planned to reach out to vision and goals. This plan is to represents high detail information to direct people in performing everyday tasks. This plan provides who, when, what and how much is required to complete the task. That mean, the strategies which are to be considered with the persons who will be responsible for specific tasks and timelines when the tasks are to be completed with the financial resources available for those strategies. The main purpose of this plan is to provide firm with a clear image of their tasks and responsibilities with referring to common goals and objectives contained in strategic plan. Ques2: (a): considering myself as the CEO of kiwi ultra fruit juice I would make a complete strategic plan by setting goals visions. Three strategic goals in my strategic plan will be: Making a vision to expand the business into other areas of NZ so that company can earn more in slow economy as well. Another mission will be to favourably price the products by reviewing with that of other competitors. The last goal of the company will be to move the brand into some other foreign lands with a complete strategic plan. (b): In order to expand the business the company need to take actions such as the very first action will be to clearly define the market. This seems to be a very simple step. Kiwi ultra juice need to consider the demographics and locations and interest or needs ofà customers of that specific location. In this way the company can bring out products which are more preferred by specific located people. Moreover, company can perform market analysis. It will involve more market research targeting customers. Secondly, in order to develop the business internationally, the company should increase their sales in the existing markets as well as they should develop more products than only orange juice. This will bring their company to next level. They should launch products which completely differentiate them from their competitors and develop a new image. Ques3: (A): control process: It is a continuous process. The four steps involved in control process are: 1. Setting up of control standards: every company plan their activities in advance. On the basis of these plans, goals and objectives are fixed for every department and branch. 2. Measurement of performance (Actual): this is the second step in controlling process. Its actual performance is measured against the standard sets. This step will let the management know whether they are working according to the plans or not. 3. Compare measured performance against established standards: this step in the control process is for making comparisons of actual performance with the standards sets. The main purpose of this step is to (a) find out the deviations if in case (b) and know the reasons for such deviations. 4. Take corrective actions: last and most important step in this process is taking corrective actions. Efforts are needed to be made if performance is out or less than the standards (B) Types of control: Feed Forward: in this type of control, deviations are predicted and measured and actions are taken before the occurrence of such errors. If such errors are not measured then the systems will not get output as the firm has desired. Concurrent: this type of control takes place whilst activity is in progress. This process involves regulation of activities which are being carried out ensuring that they conform to the standards of the organisation. It is designed to make sure that employee working activities are bringing the correct outputs and results. Feedback control: this types of control focuses mainly on the output of the organisation after the completion of whole transformation. It is also called as output control or post action. It is also important to note that this step is mostly preferred when other two seems to be more costly or not feasible. (c) Two examples of feed forward control that kiwi ultra juice might use to ensure that its products are of highest quality: 1. In case of kiwi ultra juice organisation should have checked the prices before charging premium charges and also produce more varieties of juice in the market. 2. The company should also have checked the image of its competitors and then they have taken such actions through which they can present their company and products in a better way ensuring the quality of the brand. (d) Using concurrent control to achieve its objective: concurrent control is an ongoing process step in which measures can be taken when the process is working. In case of kiwi ultra juice, company should have changed its premium prices when they realise the charges are high as comparative to other brands. And this will help them to increase their sale and achieve companies objectives. While, in case of feedback control, the company can use the advices of marketing experts researchers and can plan to expand the brand in other foreign lands and can earn good revenue. But in this case company need to make good plans and launch product in a more productive way. Ques4: SIMPLE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FOR TUCKERS COMPANY:- à à Mr. Harnett, president of Tucker Company explained board of directors regarding his reorganisation of company. The company is divided into three divisions as: commercial, military jet engines utility turbines (lab operating) with a VP for every division and individual manager. Each division has their own departments. Ques 5: Mr. Hodge, Head of the laboratory operation and Mr. Franklin, departmental manager of Engineering department, Utility Turbine division had conflicts over the work of tests that were to be carried out for engineering dept. of utility divisions. The main issue was the involvement of Mr. Hodge in the experiments and its design and selection of materials and evaluation process of the experiments. He felt that laboratory should be involved in all department experiments and divisions as well. On the other side, Mr. Franklin did not liked the idea of Mr. Hodge and did not want laboratory to get involved in all such cases. Hence there is a clear conflict between both department managers and over their roles. Moreover, there is also interpersonal kind of conflict. Some of the conflict between both the managers is also due to the organisational structure in past and also due to the personalities of both the heads of the department. Looking on to the organisation, the reason for the rising of the conflicts is extension of facilities of departments to all other departments and divisions. Illustrating this, the laboratory was under Military jet engine division and they have to provide facilities to all departments. The laboratory has more work towards military so it should not inclined more towards other experiments and tests from other divisions. Hence, the work load gets high and then conflicts start between interdepartmental and interdivisions. Because lab manager has to report to military jet engines vice president, it was not separate on its own. Ques6 : New organisational structure for TUCKERS COMPANY: Such a design ensures that department which provides help to other departments of all divisions would not only limit to single division. So, the common department will be able to provide and extend their services to all other divisions and departments. The laboratory will be directly under the control of president and can be named as shared services division department. This can be termed as matrix structure of organisation. The advantage of such a chart would be that this new shared department would be accessible to all departments for all their tasks and can be performed without any bias. The disadvantage of such a division will be that new division formed will be autonomous and even if it had manager like Mr. Hodge who always think of its own rather than company will act in irresponsible manner. Ques7: Centralization versus Decentralization: Centralisation refers to the process in which activities of an organisation are mostly controlled by the top managers. Here, top managers make key decisions with little or no input. They make planning on the basis of decision making and becoming more concentrated within a specific group or location. The environment is more stable as well decisions are significant. Whereas, Decentralisation refers to the process where decisions are mostly made by or delegated to the lower levels of the firm. Managers are mostly close to the action so more of the responsibility is sent towards to them. Companies mostly decentralise for managers to get more of the work done. It helps to motivate them more as well as helps to develop lower level personnel. Mechanistic vs. Organic : Mechanistic refers to clear chain of control an is more formal. This structure runs like a machine and individuals and functions behave more in a predictable way. This structure mostly works well when the environment is certain and even there is little change. People are more willing to obey and corporate and the work is repeating. Production is more. On the other hand Organic structure refers to flat structure. In this the firm uses cross-hierarchical and cross-functional teams. The company has low formalisation and has a comprehensive information network. The company works like a creature. Communication is more horizontal. Ques8: (a): Ans: The tuckers company should be more centralised and mechanistic. The authority of decision making should be handed to the president of the company because most of the managers working in the firm are inclined towards their personal status rather than the companys status. In such a way organisation top level make the decisions and work is carried by lower employees in a more orderly manner. Another reason for the company to be more centralised is the environment is more certain and stable. Mangers like Mr. Hodge and Mr. Franklin had created more conflicts because the decision was in their hands. Such an environment affected the output of the laboratory results. In a centralised and mechanistic structure, organisation runs like a machine. Decisions are more significant. All managers have their clear tasks and roles and divisions which will not make confusion or raise a conflict. (b): Ans: The type of span that would be suitable for the tucker company is wide span of control. The reason behind the wide span of control is there will be fewer managers in the organisation. More the managers, more is the conflict as it can be clearly seen in the tuckers company. Another reason for this is with one or two managers, the employees will be on same level and they can work with each other. All the employees will be delegated clear duties and tasks . Such kind of supervision and control can create more positive friendly environment among all members. So in such a case conflicts would be less among managers and output will be more. REFERENCES:- Management, F., Managment, S., Management, I., Management, P., Marketing, P., Management, M. et al. (2017). BusinessStudyNotes. BusinessStudyNotes. Retrieved 18 January 2017, from Operational planning: the Purpose of an Operational Plan. (2017). Retrieved 18 January 2017, from 5-Step Primer to Entering New Markets. (2017). Retrieved 18 January 2017, from Steps Involved in Control Process. (2017). The Next Generation Library. Retrieved 18 January 2017, from Strategic Management :: Concurrent Control. (2017). Retrieved 18 January 2017, from
Friday, October 25, 2019
Education Essay -- Teaching Education
Education Education has always been a major priority for me. I was brought up in a family that was centered on education. Both of my grandmaââ¬â¢s were teachers. I have sixteen aunts and uncles and all but 3 of them have college degrees. Ten of those a masterââ¬â¢s degree, and 4 of them went on to earn their PhD. My parents are both college graduates. Ever since Iââ¬â¢ve been old enough to really understand things, they have stressed how important it is to be educated. So growing up I found education to be a vitally important part of my life. Education helps build you up. It allows you to do things that you are not able to do without an education. It is like the old saying, ââ¬Å"education is the building block that makes America grow.â⬠The same can be said for myself. My education is what con...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
English Poetry and of Mice and Men Exam Practice Essay
what to look for in poetry â⬠¢tone â⬠¢pace â⬠¢mood/atmoshere â⬠¢themes/ideas â⬠¢imagery â⬠¢techniques, why woman work and overheard in country Sligo differences- ââ" ªwoman work-very busy mood and atmosphere-because of the rhyme! reflects everything she has to do ââ" ªOverhead-calmer, more relaxed, slow pace!-reflects here quite country irish life. the women themselves are different, one busy one maybe too similarity- â⬠¢neither women feel like they have a lot to call their own â⬠¢woman work talks about she can only call nature her own-ââ¬Å"star shine, moon glow/your all that i can call my ownâ⬠â⬠¢overheard-says how she wanted her name in a book or on Angelou-implies stage, didnââ¬â¢t get what she wanted ââ¬Å"i ought to feel happyâ⬠-implies she should but doesnââ¬â¢t â⬠¢both spend their time doing house work The poem, Woman Work by Maya Angelou shows how busy life can be for a black woman in southern american, and the general mood is very busy, with the use of rhyming giving it a quick pace, reflecting on her life. It also highlights how she doesnââ¬â¢t feel like she has a lot to a call her own in life, implying everything she does is not for self. The poem, Overhear in County Sligo shows the life a married woman in rural Ireland and the poem has a much calmer mood and slower pace reflecting the quiet she lives. It talks about dreams that the woman once had, and how maybe sheââ¬â¢s not as happy with her lot in life. ââ¬ËI find my face in the glass/I ought to feel Iââ¬â¢m a happy womanââ¬â¢ this stands out to me in this poem as I think it provokes very strong emotions and empathy towards the woman, by showing how unhappy and unfulfilled she feels. One of the main differences between these two poems is the pace and mood. Woman Work has a much a quicker pass and busier mood whereas Overheard in County Sligo is much slower and more relaxed. In Woman Work Angelou uses short lines and a rhyme, to give the poem a quick pass. Reflecting on how busy life may be for the woman. Angelou writes, ââ¬ËIââ¬â¢ve got the children to tend / the clothes to mendââ¬â¢. These lines are quite short, and the pace implies that the woman has to do all the work and has a lot of responsibilities. The use of the word ââ¬Ëtendââ¬â¢ also makes looking after the children sound like a very tedious thing and almost chore like, implying that she feels she many other and maybe more important things to be doing. In Overheard in Country Sligo the mood is much calmer and the slower pace gives a relaxing mood. Clarke writes, ââ¬Ëwith a field of cows and a yard of hensââ¬â¢ this line, like the majority in the poem is quite longs and has a slow pa ce when reading, this may have been done to reflect the womanââ¬â¢s lifestyle, and the poets use of describing the countryside makes life seem very calm and idyllic, almost as If the woman doesnââ¬â¢t have a lot she has to rush for. One the main similarities in the poems is the impression that neither women have much that they feel they can call their own. In Woman Work, Angelou writes, ââ¬Ëstar shine, moon glow/your all that I can call my ownââ¬â¢ this shows that she doesnââ¬â¢t feel that she has much she can call here own, implying that all the work she dos is not for herself, but for others. The uses of the words ââ¬Ëshineââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëglowââ¬â¢ to describe nature, implies that natures is possibly the one calm and beautiful thing in here life. In Overheard in Country Sligo, Clarke writes, ââ¬Ëor have my name printed in a book/to see my thoughts on printed pageââ¬â¢ this implies that the woman had bigger dreams than of getting married and I think the use of the phrase ââ¬Ëmy name printedââ¬â¢ shows that she wanted to have something that belonged to her and that showed everything she thought or did. I also think the fact that she states ââ¬ËI married a man from County Roscomm onââ¬â¢ shows that she may feel little belongs to here or has her name on, and that maybe she feels that sheââ¬â¢s living a life for here husband and not for her self. Another similarity in the poems is that both women spend their time doing house work and chores. In Woman Work, Angelou lists off everything the she has to do with her day. Angelou writes, ââ¬Ëthe floor to mop/the food to shopââ¬â¢ this makes her work seem very tedious and mundane and Clarke gives the similar impression about work in Overheard in County Sligo, when she writesââ¬â¢ and polish the lustre and brass,/to order and dust the tumbled roomsââ¬â¢. She makes does not make work sound very interesting or something that she enjoys. However a subtle difference between the two is that Clarke makes the womanââ¬â¢s work seem very monotonous or as if she has to force herself to it, whereas in Woman Work, work seem to be very hectic and rushed. Valentine by carol ann Duffy and â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ by w h Auden plan- â⬠¢valentine- its very personal sheââ¬â¢s writing it to her lover, shown by using i and you- personal pronouns â⬠¢funeral blue- it seems more like heââ¬â¢s declaring his feeling, attitude, instead of referring to the dead lover ââ¬â thus effects the mood. â⬠¢valentine- onion represents love but also link s to the future, time continues â⬠¢funeral- wants time to end, no future â⬠¢love stays with you, nothings the same when it ends Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy is about giving an onion as a gift on valentines day, to represent love, the poet is tired of meaning less clichà © gifts and whats to give something truthful and poetic instead. She talks about every thing that the onion represents and what love entails, and the overall mood is very personal and uplifting, as if she was directly addressing a lover. Funeral blues is about life now that a lover is dead, and how its so difficult to understand how things can go on in life, but the fact that he uses a rhyme lighten the pace and shows that for others life will go on as normal. This poem seems more like the poet making a statement and has a very powerful, but sad mood as you realise how deviating a lose it is to the poet. One of the main differences between the poems is the tone and mood that they sets. Valentine, is very personal, it implies through the use of the personal pronouns, ââ¬Ëyouââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëiââ¬â¢ that its supposed to have a more personal and intimate feel. Duffy shows this when she writes, ââ¬ËI give you an onion./its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,/possessive and faithfulââ¬â¢, she uses very powerful words such as ââ¬Ëfierceââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëpossessiveââ¬â¢ which create a more passionate and powerful mood, giving a reader a string sense of her love for this person. Funeral blues however has a different tone and mood, it seems a lot less intimate ad personal but more like the poet trying to declare their pain to everyone, instead of referring to the lover in a personal way, he uses 3rd person as if heââ¬â¢s telling others, not speaking to the dead lover. Auden shows this when he writes ââ¬Ëhe was my north, my south, my east, my west,ââ¬â¢. This lin e is very strong and again reflects the sense of declaration that i think sets the mood throughout the poem, and the use of ââ¬Ëheââ¬â¢ makes it feels like a statement that everyone should here, which differs to the personal account given by Duffy. Another difference in the poem is the theme. Valentine talks about promise and future, where as in Funeral Blues it seems like the poets canââ¬â¢t believe there is a future and that life can still go on. Duffy shows this theme of future in several different ways, one being when she writes ââ¬ËIts platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring,ââ¬â¢ this line implies that she can imagine future with her lover, and the phrase, ââ¬Ëif you likeââ¬â¢ implies that they can make what they want of life, and that again thereââ¬â¢s a future. Contrastingly in funeral blues Auden implies that he can no longer see a future know that heââ¬â¢s alone, and nothing is worth while, this is show mainly in the final stanza,ââ¬â¢pour away the ocean, and sweep up the wood.ââ¬â¢ implying that everything seems pointless in life and he can no longer appreciate the beauty in the world. One similarity between the poems is the idea that love is every powerful and stays with you no matter how it ends. Duffy shows this in Valentine in the final stanza, when she uses the strength of an onions smell as a metaphor for love staying with you, ââ¬ËIts scent will cling to your fingersââ¬â¢. The use of the word ââ¬Ëclingââ¬â¢ in this line is very powerful and helps to show the level in which love stays with you, implying itââ¬â¢s hold over a person is very strong. Auden shows love in a similar light in Funeral Blues, he writes, ââ¬Ëfor nothing now can ever come to any goodââ¬â¢ implying that love has changed everything, the way he perceives things and does things, showing like in Valentine the power love has over a person. Look closely at the text, what does it real about georgeââ¬â¢s character, how does he behave and speak? plan- â⬠¢george, it shows heââ¬â¢s aware of the prejudice towards Lennie-feels the need to lie about why they travel together. â⬠¢gets angry with Lennie, makes his life more difficult, doesnââ¬â¢t always appreciate or is aware of the trouble george goes to. â⬠¢heââ¬â¢s quite quick and sharp, he responds well to question, knows the right things to say The extract reveals quite a lot about Georges character. It shows that George as quite a sharp and intelligent character, who seems to be able to say the right things. Steinbeck shows this when he write, george broke in loudly. ââ¬Ëoh! I ainââ¬â¢t saying heââ¬â¢s bright. He ainââ¬â¢t. but heââ¬â¢s a god damn good workerââ¬â¢. This implies that george is very quick and sharp, heââ¬â¢s very aware of the right things to say. The fact that Steinbeck also uses quite sharp short sentences here when Georges is speaking helps to show Georges thought proses and you can see him thinking about the thing the boss night want to hear. The extract also reveals that Georges character is very aware of the prejudice towards Lennie, and wants to do what he can protect Lennie as well as ensure them a job. He does this by not allowing Lennie to talk, and explaining why he may not come across as smart because ââ¬Å"he got kicked in the head by a horse when he was kidâ⬠. This als o implies that george doesnââ¬â¢t share everyone elseââ¬â¢s prejudice towards mental disabilities, or at least not Lennieââ¬â¢s. In the extract Steinbeck also represents george as having a short temper at times, especially regarding Lennie. Steinbeck shows this when he writes ââ¬Å"be a damn good thing if you was,â⬠george said viciously â⬠save everybody a hell of a lot o troubleâ⬠. this gives the impression that George finds moving around with Lennie very frustrating, maybe because he knows that Lennie is always aware appreciates everything george does, and heââ¬â¢s knows how much easier things would be if Lennie wasnââ¬â¢t there. the use of the word ââ¬Ëviciouslyââ¬â¢ reveals a lot about Georgeââ¬â¢s character and shows that he is capable of being quite vastly and powerful when he losses his temper. How the Steinbeck present slims character in the extract? Plan- â⬠¢made to seem very friendly ad welcoming-his tone was friendly, it invited confidence without demanding it. â⬠¢deep, wise, understanding, smart-his slow speech had overtones of not thought, but of understanding beyond thought ââ¬â not like other ranch workers â⬠¢impressive, strong. ââ¬â He was the prince of the ranch, capable of driving, ten, sixteen even twenty mules with a single line. ââ¬â Just the length of Stienbecks destruction makes him seem more impressive. â⬠¢authoritative-all talk stopped when spoke. his authority was so great his word was taken on any subject. be it police or love in extract Steinbeck presents slim as being very different to your typical ranch worker at the time and shows many aspects of slims character. one being that he seem very strong and impressive, Steinbeck shows this when he writes, ââ¬Ëhe was the price of the ranch, capable of driving, ten, sixteen even twenty mules with a single lineââ¬â¢ this show how strong he is but steinboks use of increase figures makes him seem more impressive and as if heââ¬â¢s strength has no end. the length in which steinbok writes about slim also emphasise how impressive a character he is. In the extract Steinbeck also presents slim as being a very deep, understanding and smart character. Steinbeck writes, ââ¬Ë his slow speech had overtones not of thought but of understanding beyond thoughââ¬â¢. This implies that slims is a very deep character, whoââ¬â¢s understanding is far beyond that of other ranch workers. slim is also made to seem very authoritative in this extract. one of the ways in which steinbok shows this is when he writesââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëhis tone was friendly, it invited confidence without demanding itââ¬â¢. this shows slims character as being very friendly, but also as very reasonable and welcoming. the use of the word ââ¬Ëconfidenceââ¬â¢ also highlights that slims a character who is able to better others and confident that jet simp;y being around him enables others to be more open and confident. Finally Steinbeck shows slims slim authority. He does this when he writes, ââ¬Ëall talk stopped when he spoke. His authority was so great his word would be taken on any subject wether it be politics or loveââ¬â¢ this quote highlights every aspect of slims character and the way people view him, it reinforces the fact that he is wise and knowledgeable ,as well as showing his power and straight over others. How does Steinbeck create mood and atmosphere in the extract? plan- â⬠¢peaceful and innocent, sets the mood through describing cureless wife â⬠¢quite, time stops Steinbeck creates mood and atmosphere in the extract through describing how quiet it is in barn. He describes how things change, and the way he looks at light gives a very calm and almost magical atmosphere. ââ¬Ëthe sun streaks were high on the wall by now, and light was growing softââ¬â¢ the makes everything seem very bright and the uses of the word ââ¬Ësoftââ¬â¢ creates a magical and beautiful atmosphere which helps to reflect upon how Curleyââ¬â¢s wife is portrayed know she is dead. Steinbeck also creates mood in the extract with the line ââ¬Ëand sound and movement stopped for much, much more that a moment,ââ¬â¢ the reinforces the magical and peaceful atmosphere in this scene, and the use of the word ââ¬Ëstopââ¬â¢ makes the reader themselves pause and think about for a moment, creating a very deep and more effective mood. Steinbeck also creates mood in this extract through his description of Cruleyââ¬â¢s wife, ââ¬Ë and the meanness and the planning and the discontent and ache for attention were all gone from her face.ââ¬â¢ this line makes the reader feel a sense of the pain she felt when she was a live, but by referring to her pain Steinbeck also creates a stronger sense of freedom and relief now that see has died. the phrases ââ¬Ëgone from her faceââ¬â¢, also allows the reader to picture the scene and what she might look like creating a more real atmosphere. what to include- â⬠¢context- the time â⬠¢themes â⬠¢tracking â⬠¢what happens â⬠¢quotes â⬠¢conclusion For which character do you have the most sympathy for? Show how Steinbecks presentation of your character creates sympathy. plan- ââ" ªcurelys wife ââ" ªprejudice- i canââ¬â¢t tai to know body but curly, jailbait, tart ââ" ªloneliness-think i donââ¬â¢t like to talk to nobody ever once in a while ââ" ªunhappy marriage ââ¬â think Iââ¬â¢m gonna stay in that 2 by 4 house and listen to how curley gonna lead with his left ââ" ªamerican dream-i could have been in the pitchers, failed know sheââ¬â¢s with curley ââ" ªsymplahy in beauty in death, reveals hr pain ââ" ªthe way she confided in lennie ââ¬â ââ¬Ëi donââ¬â¢t like curley he aint a nice fellaââ¬â¢ i have the most sympathy for curleys wife in the novel as i think that she has had a lot of disappointment and hardship in her life. one way in which stienbeck creates sympathy for her character is through showing her loneliness and how unhappy she is in her marriage. she does not seem happy or in love with curley, or the new life she has to lead to on the ranch, and her marriage is the main reason sheââ¬â¢s so lonely, it has meant sheââ¬â¢s isolated on the ranch, ââ¬Ëthink Iââ¬â¢m gonna stay in that 2 by 4 house and listen to how cureless gonna lead with his left.ââ¬â¢ and the fact that she doesnââ¬â¢t seem to anything common with curley and heââ¬â¢s quite self pbsored means she doesnââ¬â¢t feel happy. and when she confides in lennie by saying ââ¬Ëi donââ¬â¢t like curley, he aint a nice fellaââ¬â¢ it generates sympathy by showing how unhappy she is about her life, and the fact that she says he aint a nice fella almost makes her appear trapped. the wa y she is treated by the other ranch workers also generates sympathy, as it makes her seem very unwanted, as most of the ranch workers judge her harshly, and sheââ¬â¢s accused of being a ââ¬Ëtartââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëjailbaitââ¬â¢. the ranch workers attitudes towards her also shows the prejudice women faced at the time, and the fact that sheââ¬â¢s is a married women means no one should be talking to her, and sheââ¬â¢s expected to stay in the house and conform to society in the 1930ââ¬â¢s. one of the main ways in which Steinbeck creates sympathy for her character is through the way she is presented in death. he describes her as young and pretty, and the emphases he puts upon how all the plottig and meanness left her, and she looked so a peace, made all the pain sheââ¬â¢d felt in life very real. her american dream also generates sympathy, as it shows the hard ship and disappointment sheââ¬â¢s had to face in a life, but the she also deep down thinks she might get t here some day. it shows the sort of life she desired and in a way that might have made her new life on the ranch harder to face. How does John Steinbeck presentation of George throughout the novel affect your feelings towards him? In this essay I will explore the presentation of George throughout the novel. One of the ways in which Steinbeck presents George is as a caring man. This is largely show through his parental attitude towards Lennie. He is shown to care about out Lennie and tries to keep him out of trouble even though he does not actually have any obligation to. This is shown during the first chapter when we see George take a lot of responsibility for Lennie, carrying his things ââ¬Å"think Iââ¬â¢d let you carry your own work cardâ⬠and generally looking after him . This factor affected my feelings towards George, especially as during the time it was not normal for one man to care so much for another, especially ranch workers, as shown when slim finds out they travel together, ââ¬Å"I never seen one guy care so much for anotherâ⬠. However George is shown to lose his temper with Lennie on several occasion, an example being in the first chapter when Lennie asks for ketchup, ââ¬Å"you alw ays want what I ainââ¬â¢t gotâ⬠, showing how difficult life can be for George traveling with him. This generates some sympathy towards George for me as it again shows how he puts up with Lennie because he loves him, even though he knows how different his life could be if he travelled alone. Georgeââ¬â¢s attitude towards the American affected my feelings towards his character as well, especially as we saw it develop throughout the novel, and there are three main points that show how he feels towards the American dream. The first being when he is telling the story of their farm to Lennie, he interrupts himself and says ââ¬Å"I ainââ¬â¢t got time for no moreâ⬠, I think this shows that sometimes he gets caught up in this story, showing how much he longs for it but that deep downs knows how near impossible it is to achieve. The second point that I think is key to Georges attitude towards the American dream is when candy offers to give them the money. We see how excited George is when he says ââ¬Å"weââ¬â¢ll do herâ⬠, this point affected my feelings towards him as it shows how much he wants the dream and gave me a sense of Georges happiness. I think that the main point regarding Georgeââ¬â¢s attitude towards the dream was after candy had shown George Curleyââ¬â¢s wifeââ¬â¢s body, itââ¬â¢s during this scene we see how the dream was always really something for him and Lennie, and if he canââ¬â¢t do it worth Lennie it seems he doesnââ¬â¢t want to do it at all. All of these points really impacted my feeling towards as it generates a lot of emotions such as joy and sympathy towards George. How is the relationship between Curley and his wife important to the novel as a whole? plan- â⬠¢shows that during the time relationships werenââ¬â¢t always based on love â⬠¢prejudice- Curley doesnââ¬â¢t let his wife talk to others â⬠¢loneliness-shows that even though your wit someone you can still be lonely- happiness â⬠¢their relationship is not close, this causes cureless wife to stray to talk to others, talk to Lennie Loneliness is at the heart of the novel, to what extent do you agree with this? Show how Steinbeck presents the theme of friendship in of mice and men? plan- â⬠¢presents it as rare- ranch workers, time â⬠¢presents it as brief and fragile â⬠¢presents it through candy and dog â⬠¢lennie and george â⬠¢maybe look at slim being v. understanding and friendly and curly not trusting new people. Steinbeck presents the theme of friendship is several different easy throughout the novel. Steinbeck presents friendship as rare throughout the novel, during the 1930s male friendship between ranch workers was very rare, one point when this is show is when the ranch boss say ââ¬Å"i never seen one guy take so much trouble for anotherâ⬠, implying that friendship between men is a very rare thing, and that workers may prefer to to keep to themselves. the rarity of lennie and georges friendship is also shown through several statements implying that they can not just be friends, for example when george and lennie meet curley as well as the boss they are questioned about the motives of their friendship. as well as presenting friendship as rare, Steinbeck also presents it as fragile, as we see the two major friendships end, candy and when his dog is shoot and lennie and george, when george kills lennie. ââ¬ËThe characters are powerlessââ¬â¢ do you agree i do not agree all the characters are completely powerless, how ever in some ways the majority of them are for- Lennie â⬠¢stronge â⬠¢canââ¬â¢t control him self, relies on others, mental illness. -Curleyââ¬â¢s wife â⬠¢prejudice, Curley controls her -slim â⬠¢powerful
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Terrorism, poverty and financial instability
Terrorism, poverty and financial instability International Relations Terrorism and International Crime Terrorism is the use of violence to instil fear in people. Terrorist activities, which are common around the world, can be eliminated through co-operation of the world powers. While some countries seek to apprehend those who perpetrate terrorist activities, other countries harbour and protect them. This conflict is not effective in the quest to ensure world security (Chadwick 25).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Terrorism, poverty and financial instability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Terrorism is not a new phenomenon as it has been present throughout the history of humankind. However, different forms of terrorism are defined by the cause behind the act. Terrorist activities are perpetrated to compel the affected parties to comply with the demands of the terrorists. Since the terrorists do not have enough resources to confront their enemies, the y use a method of ambush and secrecy. In most cases, if the terroristââ¬â¢s demands are ignored, the confrontation ends in a conflict. However, in other cases, the terrorists achieve their aim if their sole intention is to instil fear (Laqueur 16). Global Poverty and Development Poverty is a global problem with complex and intertwined adverse effects. In some situations, poverty has existed throughout the history of the concerned society. There is a great risk of conflict if the situation persists. Competition for resources in an unfavourable environment eventually results in armed conflicts. Some of the conflicts in the developing countries caused by the instability and poverty in the third world countries. Thus, persistent poverty is a risk of political and social instability. Poverty is also a crisis since it presents a difficult situation (Townsend 54). Co-operation among countries of the world creates a large free market for commodities. This facilitates distribution of weal th, and reduces the gap between the rich and the poor. The efforts to eradicate poverty should include formation of a specialised body to identify the poverty-stricken areas, and find an appropriate solution. Combination of efforts by international bodies in an effort to eradicate poverty, gives them a greater power to deal with the situation. However, the great power and influence brought by the cooperation between agencies poses a political risk (Collier 32). This unified force can control the political course of a needy region. Since the political situation of a country affects generation of wealth, the power of the agencies may widen the gap between the rich and poor people.Advertising Looking for critical writing on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Global Financial Instability Global financial crises started in 2007 and continued for four years with mild responses from individual governme nts. When the financial recession died down in the year twenty twelve, the worldââ¬â¢s economic activities are returning to normal after stabilisation of the capital markets. However, the current stability is at a risk of disruption by another financial crisis due to the lack of long-term solution to the crisis (Lomborg 37). Measures taken during the crisis were immediate counteractive measures to restore financial stability. The world powers, which make up the G20, and lending organisations like the international monetary fund, cannot develop a solution to influence the world economy positively. This is because these institutions are committed to their own security and financial stability. The only solution to this problem lies with individual powers such as the United States, which can influence the world economy easily. Their sound economic planning will reduce the chances of another global financial crisis. The continued investments of the governments in the private market ar e increasing insecurity of the global financial market (Acharya et al 25). Consequently, the government cannot regulate the capital markets when it has heavily invested in such schemes as the hedge funds. Acharya, Viral V., and Matthew Richardson. Restoring financial stability: how to repair a failed system. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons, 2009. Print. Chadwick, Elizabeth. Self-determination, terrorism, and the international humanitarian law of armed conflict. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1996. Print. Collier, Paul. The bottom billion: why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print. Laqueur, Walter. The new terrorism: fanaticism and the arms of mass destruction. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Print.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Terrorism, poverty and financial instability specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Lomborg, Bjà ¸rn. Global crises, global solutions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Print. Townsend, Peter, and David Gordon. World poverty: new policies to defeat an old enemy. Bristol: Policy Press, 2002. Print.
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